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La sala BCM da un paso más en su afán por estrechar su relación con el público residente. Una relación que se ha mantenido muy viva durante toda la temporada alta y que se refuerza con una novedosa iniciativa. BCM crea el ‘Club de Residentes’ para mayores de 25 años del que ya forman parte [...]

The new Megasport centre looks ahead to the future of fitness

Palma, 1st September 2016. - September marks the opening of Palma’s New Megasport fitness centre, with brand new sports spaces and state-of-the-art machines that recognise each user thanks to a digital bracelet, whilst also enabling keep-fit enthusiasts and monitors to obtain precise details of their training sessions via their mobile phones, even in remote mode. [...]

The Balearic Islands’ Director General of Employment presents TITO’s with an occupational health and safety award

From left to right: The Balearic Islands’ Director General of Employment, Social Economy and Occupational Health and Safety, Isabel Castro; Head of the Grupo Cursach’s HR Department, Cati Vila; and the Deputy Director General of Development at the Mutua Balear Insurance Company, Andrés Vecina. Palma de Mallorca, 3rd February 2016. - The Balearic Islands’ Director [...]

Grupo Cursach redesigns its brand identity

Palma de Mallorca, 5th May 2015.-¬‐ Grupo Cursach Ocio has shortened its name to the more direct Grupo Cursach and organised its various business activities into four divisions: Cursach Hotels, Cursach Entertainment, Cursach Restaurants and Cursach Wellness. These are the four pillars on which the corporate identity has been built. At the helm of this [...]

Grupo Cursach to open the ‘BCM Hotel’ next year in Magaluf

Palma de Mallorca, 22nd October 2015.-Considered the world’s fifth best club by the specialised club scene press,  BCM is set to be the central theme and brand for the new establishment that Cursach Hotels will create in what is currently Magaluf’s Club B. This winter the Balearic Islands’ leading youth leisure company plans to invest [...]

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